Text Ads

How do you create an ad that will attract potential customers? First: Be Relevant, Second: Be Specific and Third: Call to action. I looked at several articles and videos which gave tips and ideas of how to create the best text ads. Here is what I learned.

The text ad has a limited amount of characters, so you have to know what you want to say, and say it in as few words as possible. This is an example ad.

Headline – 25 characters long

Description #1 – 35 characters long

Description #2 – 35 charaters long

Dispay URL on to the page you want them to see.

Some of the tips to make your text ad stand out, given by Russ Henningberry in “7 tips to improve google adword clicks” were;

Use specific numbers such as $8.23 or $99.
Ue spunky characters # ‘ $ & @.
Use a call to action, Sign up for your free newsletter today!
Include a benefit “Accelerate your career.”
Use a phone # and address .
Remove Risk, 100% guaranteed !
There is a way to make your ad more accesable to your potential customers. You can add keywords, with a little coding, into the headline of your ad. This way if users type in one of those keywords, your ad will adapt to what they type into the search engine.

There are restrictions and rules to text ads and obviously your ads need to be appropriate and lead to a real website, not just a bridge to send users elsewhere. The site you promote must have useful content and cannot just be an advertising site. Everything you advertise must be availabe and there should be no hidden fees.

So to close I will share the text ad I intend to use.

Senior Portraits {keyword:proffessional, photographer, Bartlesville}

Stunning Senior Photography

Call me today! 555 555 5555


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